Off white rectangle square with 16 images. People pictured from left to right, top to bottom are: Temple Grandin, Mom Autism Money co-hosts, Mary Rubenis, Sheletta Brundidge, Persis Yu, Kristy Anderson, Mom Autism Money logo, Elizabeth Yoder, Anne Roux, Sara Bradford, Heather Watkins, Paul Curley. Image beneath shows a trophy next to text that reads '14th annual Plutus Awards Finalist'

Let’s Talk About The Financial Side Of Autism!

A podcast dedicated to moms of Autistic kids who want to grow their wealth!

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Light grey background with dark brown text reading ‘ABLE Age Adjustment Act with Paul Curley, Season 3, Episode 8,' Image showing Mom Autism Money logo next to Paul, Joyce and Brynne smiling at the camera against a background of a blue velvet curtain.
Latest Episode

The ABLE Age Adjustment Act passed!

Today, we’re sitting down with one of your favorite guests, Paul Curley, to get into the details of the ABLE Age Adjustment Act, which passed as a part of SECURE 2.0 in December 2022.

We’re so excited that the ABLE Age Adjustment Act passed, but there’s still a lot of work to do, and Paul teaches us some of the best areas to focus on as we interact with our legislators.

Listen here >>>

Meet Your Hosts


Joyce is a wife and mom of 4 children. She has 3 boys and 1 daughter, who are all autistic. Her oldest child is 22 years old, and her youngest just turned 5 this year. Joyce loves to cook Latin food for her family; she’s also an expert in frugal living!

She started My Stay At Home Adventures as a way to help moms find the joy in modern homemaking on a budget they can afford.


Brynne is a freelance personal finance writer and the creator of the popular Women’s Finance site, Femme Frugality. Her award-nominated book, The Feminist Financial Handbook, has been called ‘revolutionary’ and ‘a unicorn among finance books.’ In 2020, she was awarded a PEN America grant for the body of her work.

She is also a mother, and one of her children is Autistic. She didn’t realize how much of an impact this would have on her finances until she lived it. On Mom Autism Money, she and co-host Joyce address the financial and cultural realities of raising an Autistic child through interviews with some of the most knowledgeable experts in the field.

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